
Charitable bequests in a will or trust are the easiest, most popular type of planned gift. You can make a substantial contribution without reducing the assets available to you during your lifetime.

All you need are a few sentences in your current will or revocable living trust. Please see Wayfinder Family Services’ sample wording below:

I bequeath to Wayfinder Family Services, a 501(c)3 organization with tax identification number 95-1977659, a gift of:

  • $ __________(insert dollar amount), or
  • ___________ (insert percentage) percent of my estate, or
  • the following real property located at ________________________ (insert address of real estate), or
  • the following (bank, stock, life insurance, IRA) account: ____________, or
  • the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.

If you’ve already prepared your will, your attorney can easily include Wayfinder Family Services as a beneficiary by adding a codicil.

Please let us know if you are remembering Wayfinder Family Services in your will or trust. This information helps us plan for the future and enables us to honor you as a member of Wayfinder’s Legacy Society.

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