$25 Gift Cards
- Amazon
- Target
- Walmart
- Sephora/Ulta
- GameStop
- Nintendo
- Grocery Stores
- or donate toward
a gift card here
- Gross Motor Games:
cornhole, giant bowling,
soccer goals, T-ball set,
yoga mats, beanbag toss
- Social games:
Don’t Wake Daddy,
Uno, Wet Dog,
- Feed the Pig, etc.
- Social Skills Games:
Operation, Hot Potato, etc.
- Disney-themed games
Infant/Children’s Clothing
- Infant sleepers
- T-shirts
- Dresses
- Underwear, pajamas
Teen Clothing
- Athletic wear for males sizes M-XL
(hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts,
Nike, Adidas, etc.)
- Underwear, Socks, pajamas
(male sizes M-XL)
- Sensory toys for infants and toddlers
(light/sound activity tables, etc.)
- Tablets
- Hand-held games
- Video games (non-violent)
- TVs, DVD & CD players
- Guitars with extra strings
- Musical instruments (drums, flute, etc)
- Piano keyboard
- Musical sensory items for newborns to toddlers
Toys for physical/sensory development
- Vibrating Toys
- Mini trampoline
- Puzzles with sound
- Balls with sound
- Mini radios/music players
- Sports equipment
(soccer balls, basketballs, etc.)
- Slime
- Tricycles, bicycles and scooters with safety helmets
- Toy cars/trucks/fire engines
- Dolls
- Stuffed animals