Giving Stock or Bonds

You and Wayfinder both win when you donate appreciated stock. The donor may get a tax deduction (consult your tax accountant first) for the full value of the stock, as long as the donor has owned it for more than 12 months. The donor does not have to pay long-term capital gains on the amount the stock has increased in value. And Wayfinder receives valuable support for its important work with children, adults and families.

Donate stock in three simple steps:

  1. Initiate the Stock Transfer
    Securities can be gifted to Wayfinder Family Services via electronic transfer (in which your broker transfers shares using the Wayfinder DTC number). It is necessary for you to contact your broker to initiate the transfer.
  2. Notify Us
    Call Randy Sprabary at (323) 295-4555, ext. 220 or email
  3. Send the Securities to Wayfinder Family Services
    Ask your broker to donate through Goldman, Sachs & Co. LLC:

    Goldman, Sachs & Co. LLC
    DTC Number: 0005
    FBO: Wayfinder Family Services
    Account number: 027-51566-7