Family Trainings & Workshops

Children and Family Services > Family Trainings & Workshops

We are in the business of building and strengthening families. We are committed to ensuring they are given the tools and support needed to grow and usher a child into adulthood as a mature and productive individual.

We provide parent training, support groups, counseling, and top-notch resources to help children and parents through their journey. Our workshops strengthen families by helping them understand the experiences of a child in foster care and the unique dynamics of building a family through kinship care or adoption.



The Nurtured Heart Approach® is a relationship-focused methodology founded strategically in The 3 Stands™ for helping children (and adults) build their Inner Wealth® and use their intensity in successful ways. It has become a powerful way of awakening the inherent greatness in all children while facilitating parenting and classroom success. The essence of the Approach is a set of core methodologies originally developed for working with the most difficult children. It has a proven impact on every child, including those who are challenged behaviorally, socially and academically. The Nurtured Heart Approach has also been shown to create transformative changes in children diagnosed with ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Reactive Attachment Disorder and other behavioral, emotional and anxiety related symptoms. Even children experiencing social cognitive challenges, like Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asperger Syndrome greatly benefit from the Approach, reducing the need for traditional mental health and medical interventions” – Children’s Success Foundation


Download the NURTURED HEART FLYER for more information.

No current trainings scheduled, please check back in the future.



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