Annual Report 2022-23 – Impacts & Outcomes

Educational Success

492 children + 1,476 family members: Our statewide Child Development Services helps children with vision loss or multiple disabilities, ages 0-6, maximize any vision they have and reduce developmental delays. 93% of children met at least 85% of their individual program goals in orientation and mobility, communication, socialization and self-help skills. 95% made progress in their use of functional vision or compensatory skills.

27 students + 81 family members: Our Special Education School provides a safe, positive learning environment for children and youth ages 5 to 22 who have multiple disabilities, including vision loss. 87% of students met at least 75% of their goals in braille and communication, 86% in behavioral and social skills, 83% in orientation and mobility, and 72% in independent living skills.

Economic Opportunity

21 participants: Transition Services enable teenagers and young adults who are blind or visually impaired to explore careers and successfully transition to independent living, college or the workforce. 100% of participants achieved at least 85% of their individualized, short-term training goals in their service plans.

59 participants: The Davidson Program for Independence in Los Angeles and Hatlen Center in San Pablo are comprehensive residential rehabilitation programs for adults ages 18 and older who are blind or visually impaired. 87% of participants achieved a rating of 5 in overall independence on a 5-point scale or had an average increase of 2 points on a 5-point scale in all of their skill areas: braille, orientation and mobility, assistive technology and independent living.

34 participants: In Assistive Technology Training, adults who are blind or visually impaired learn the latest assistive devices and software for success in the job market. 90% of participants achieved at least 85% of their individualized training goals in their service plans.

20 participants: Adults with vision loss in Employment Services receive assessments, training and job placement, as well as coaching and instruction in orientation and mobility to find and keep jobs. 100% of participants achieved at least 85% of the individualized training goals in their service plans.

Health and Well-Being

28 residents + 84 family members: Wayfinder operates five Group Homes in single-family residences for children, youth and young adults with profound disabilities. 98% of residents increased their independence by achieving two or more of their four individual goals in adaptive skills, e.g., grooming, eating, dressing.

Our Medical Department provides 24-hour services to children with complex medical and mental health needs in our residential programs and Special Education School. Nurses administered an average of 179 doses of medication per day or 71,905 doses per year with an exceptionally low error rate of 0.0000231%, compared with the industry standard 5% error rate.

412 clients + 1,236 family members: Mental Health Services provides therapy to children, adults and families in our programs and in the community who are dealing with vision loss, multiple disabilities, behavioral issues or trauma. In community mental health services Los Angeles, Butte and Shasta counties, 89% of clients decreased the impairments that were preventing them from functioning well in their schools, families, relationships or social interactions.

200 campers + 588 family members: Camp Bloomfield welcomed campers, many with vision loss and other disabilities, for adaptive sports and memorable outdoor activities. They built friendships, developed self-esteem and gained independence, as demonstrated by 93% who learned at least one new adaptive sport, recreational activity or independent living skill.

207 children and teens + 621 family members: Wayfinder’s sports, recreation and outdoor adventures are adapted for athletes with disabilities. Among the varied activities were deep sea fishing, surfing, skiing, goalball and more.

Safety and Resilience

933 children: The Temporary Shelter Care Program, known as The Cottage, is a
10-day shelter on our Los Angeles campus for children ages 0 to 18 who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect and are awaiting placement with a relative or resource family. 98% of children who completed an exit survey reported they felt safe, their rights were respected and their needs met while in the program.

489 children + 625 family members: Our Foster Care Program matches children and youth with families that can provide safe, caring homes. Wayfinder offers specialized training and support for families to foster children with health and mental health conditions. 85% of children maintained stability in the same resource family home; 65% exited to permanency, i.e., reunification, living with relatives, adoption, or guardianship.

82 children: Wayfinder’s Adoption Program completed 82 adoptions of children from foster care across California.

44 adoptive children + 26 family members: Our Post-Adoption Services maintain the stability and permanency of children in their adoptive families. 96% of children remained stable in their adoptive homes one year after discharge.

716 children + 634 family members: The Kinship Support Services Program supports grandparents, extended family members or close family friends who step up to raise children so they avoid the trauma of separation from their birth family. 94% of case-managed children whose cases closed in 2022-23 remained in care with a kinship caregiver, were adopted, lived with a legal guardian, or reunited with their parents.

164 youth: Our Family Finding Services Program searched for and located relatives and people close to youth in foster
care. We connected them so youth can maintain or establish valuable, supportive relationships. 90% of youth were in contact with at least one newly identified family member at discharge from the program.

311 children + 208 adults: Promoting Safe And Stable Families provides counseling and support to prevent at-risk children from entering or re-entering foster care. 96% of families remained stable with no recurrence of maltreatment and no children re-entering foster care six months after discharge.

18 children + 18 family members: Child and Family Development strengthens parenting skills to reduce the risk of
out-of-home placement for children. 100% of children remained with their families and were not placed in out-of-home care during
the program.

333 adults + 334 children: Visitation and Coaching Services strengthens parenting and sustains family ties for parents whose children are in foster care. 96% of adults improved their ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for
their children.


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