Resource Family Approval Training – Registration
The purpose of this training is to provide county child welfare staff, supervisors and probation staff with additional skill development to conduct meaningful and timely family evaluations. In addition, we will also address incorporating the information into the written report, as required to approve Resource Families.
About the Trainers:
Kelsey Dahlin, LCSW, has been working in the child welfare field for just over 8 years and is passionate about working with resource parents who have taken placement of a child and supporting families through achieving permanency in various forms. Kelsey has experience in working with both traditional foster families and kinship foster placements as a social worker; she has additionally been an RFA Supervisor for the last three years. Kelsey has completed the Training for Adoption Competency and the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention training, among other trainings. Kelsey believes in the importance of working with children and is passionate about providing the best, most empathetic and professional level of support to both professionals and families who are supporting placement of children in the foster care system.
Arlicia Lorentty, ASW is an associate clinical social worker currently pursing licensure. She currently supervises a team who support various aspects of the continuum of care with Lilliput, a part of Wayfinder Family Services. She has worked with kinship families for over nine years through family finding, navigation services and resource family approval. In addition to supporting kinship families, Arlicia has previously worked with CSEC youth and in the field of medical social work. She also develops and provides training to resource families and child/family treatment professionals. When she is not working she enjoys cooking new dishes and sharing dinner with her friends and family.
Once registered you will receive a confirmation email with further training information. If you have any questions please e-mail
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