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Wayfinder Felt Like A Family To Me

The first hint of trouble came when 16-year-old Sergio was playing baseball. “Less central vision in my left eye was making it harder to see the ball,” he recalls. “I was getting hit in the face by the baseball.” As he sought answers, he began to lose central vision in his right eye. The rest…

My Heart Melted

TJ is an adorable 18-month-old boy with a big personality. He is sociable, friendly and determined. When he was born, he gave his parents, Katharine and Tra’Len, a big surprise. Their baby was blond, with light eyes. Everyone in the family has dark hair and eyes. They learned that TJ had a form of albinism,…

Annual Report 2024 – Q&A with CEO Jay Allen

Why is community the answer? Since Wayfinder’s founding, we have been building community. In the organization’s early years, we gave children who were blind a chance to meet and befriend other children like them. At Camp Bloomfield, on trips to the circus and at dances, they built a community. We continue to build and nurture…

Annual Report 2024 – Q&A with Board Chair Glenn A. Sonnenberg

What have you learned about the power of community? Social connection is very important to well-being. Last year, the focus of The Conversation, Wayfinder’s annual panel discussion on important issues in human services, was the health impact of loneliness. Our panelists discussed research in the Surgeon General’s 2023 report on the epidemic of loneliness and…

Annual Report 2023-24 – Impacts & Outcomes

Wayfinder Surpasses Targets in Satisfaction and Equity Across all Wayfinder programs, we asked clients whether they were satisfied or dissatisfied with our services and if they were treated with respect. Clients’ responses help us measure whether we are living our values. WE ARE PROUD OF OUR 2023-24 RESULTS 97% of Wayfinder clients were satisfied with…

OIB Recreation Events

OIB Recreation Events "*" indicates required fields WELCOME!Participant InformationPLEASE NOTE: If you are registering multiple participants, you must fill out a separate form for each participant.Name * ...

Monterey County KSSP Event Registration

Monterey County KSSP Special Event Form Date & Time Dec 8, 2023 10:00 AM Location 5300 Angeles Vista Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90043 Unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Unam incolunt ...