A Legacy Made Simple

Would you like to help support Wayfinder Family Services without changing your will or parting with any assets now?

You can do this by naming Wayfinder Family Services as a beneficiary of certain assets or accounts you own. This “beneficiary designation” is one of the simplest ways to make a gift to us. It is literally as easy as filling out a form.

You can name Wayfinder Family Services as the sole beneficiary of your assets or as one of several beneficiaries. For example, you can use some of your assets to make a legacy gift and use the rest to provide for family members or other loved ones.

There are many benefits of making a gift by beneficiary designation:

Flexibility: Assets remain in your control should you need them. You can also change your gift designation at any time.

Easy to arrange: It does not require a change to your will.

Tax incentives: Funds passing to Wayfinder Family Services are not subject to income or estate tax. This means 100% of your gift is available for use by us.

Family-friendly: You can name family or other loved ones to benefit from some of the asset value, with Wayfinder Family Services receiving the remaining portion.

Support your cause: Your gift to Wayfinder Family Services helps us to provide services to children, youth and families at no charge.

Assets to consider include:

Retirement assets
Life insurance policies
Commercial annuity contracts
Bank accounts
Investment accounts

Thank you for having the wisdom and foresight to consider a legacy gift to Wayfinder Family Services.

We are very grateful for your generous support of our work. We would be happy to provide further information and work with you to complete a beneficiary designation gift.

Please call us at (323) 290-6290 or email Randy Sprabary at rsprabary@wayfinderfamily.org.

May 15, 2023