Blind or Visually Impaired Employment Program

Wayfinder offers employment services for adults, age 18 and older, who are blind or visually impaired to learn valuable skills needed to join or rejoin the workforce.

Wayfinder’s blind or visually impaired Employment Services Program offers assessments, training, and placement, as well as coaching and orientation and mobility instruction to help our clients find and keep jobs. Our goal is to help our clients emerge as competitive candidates in the workforce.

Adults participating in our blind or visually impaired Employment Services Program receive:

  • Comprehensive, individualized assessments from our experienced and qualified staff 
  • Coaching in résumé-writing and preparation for interviews 
  • Orientation and mobility instruction related to employment 
  • Certified Accessible Communication Support (ACS) to assist in completing non-accessible job-related questionnaires and tests 
  • Job placement services 
  • Hands-on training at our state-of-the-art facility in Los Angeles in skills needed for call center and customer service positions

*Potential clients to the program must first be deemed eligible for these services by the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR).


Click Here to read more about Wayfinder’s blind & visually impaired Employment Services Program.

May 6, 2018