Boost Your Support To Wayfinder And Our Families With An IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

If you are age 70 ½ or older and own a Roth or traditional IRA, the Charitable IRA “Rollover” or “Qualified Charitable Distribution” (QCD) offers advantages for your charitable giving. Tax law still allows you to use your required minimum distribution (or up to $100,000 per IRA owner) to support Wayfinder, while bypassing your gross income. It’s even better than a charitable deduction!


Supports Wayfinder’s efforts to ensure that children, youth and
adults facing challenges always have a place to turn.

Counts toward your required minimum distribution (if applicable)
for the year in which you made the gift.

Lowers your adjusted gross income.


We have partnered with Giving Docs to make it easy!

Visit to get started!

Or Contact your IRA manager today and request a distribution be
made directly to Wayfinder.



Call us at (323) 290-6290 or email Randy Sprabary at

December 19, 2023