Josh Lucas is a Wayfinder

Meet Josh Lucas
Recreation Programs Manager and Director of Camp Bloomfield

How do you bring Wayfinder Family Services’ mission to life?
I try my best to let students and families experience sports, games and camp activities in the least restrictive environment. I want to show our students that if they challenge themselves, they can use their abilities to succeed in exercise, meet their fitness goals and have fun.

What does being a Wayfinder mean to you?
To me, it means that the way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is who they become.

Can you share one of your favorite Wayfinder moments?
I’ll never forget watching Wayfinder’s girls’ Goalball (a paralympic sport developed for the blind) team jumping up and down on the court after winning a high school national championship in goalball. Watching them achieve their goal is a memory that will stay with me forever.

July 13, 2018