One Year Later


Thanks to your support, we are proud of all we have done for Wayfinder’s residents, children and families in the past year:

20,000+ Zoom sessions
All of our programs remained uninterrupted even during the early days of quarantine thanks to our staff quickly pivoting to remote services.

70,352 items of PPE
Wayfinder procured masks, gowns, face shields, goggles and more to protect our staff, residents and families.

12,522 porch drops
Wayfinder staff dropped off groceries, cleaning supplies, masks, educational materials, lessons and more to our families in need.

6,700 gift cards. toys, books, clothes and shoes
Wayfinder’s residents, children and families received holiday gift cards, toys, shoes and clothing thanks to generous donors.

Would you like to help?
Visit to make a donation.


May 26, 2021