Wayfinder Blog

Tag: Early Intervention

Wayfinder's Blind Babies Foundation vision impairment specialists Drue and Michelle stand next to parents of an infant at the Bethel China early intervention forum in Beijing

Wayfinder Brings Early Intervention Practices to Beijing

Vision Impairment Specialists Drue Banister and Michelle Kim from Wayfinder’s Blind Babies Foundation program  flew from Northern California to Beijing for an international early intervention forum hosted by Bethel China, a nonprofit organization pioneering early intervention for blind Chinese children. While early intervention home visits are considered critical for children who are blind or visually impaired…

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Baby Mackenzie crawls in the grass during a beeper egg hunt

Mackenzie Finds a Guiding Light

Resilient, spunky and determined, Mackenzie came into this world with a spirit unlike any other. Despite having serious vision and hearing loss, among other challenging medical and physical conditions, Mackenzie’s joyful determination brought her family solace when they felt completely lost and alone. Fortunately, they also had Blind Babies Foundation, a program of Wayfinder Family…

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