Wayfinder is Home for the Holidays This Year

Did you know? Many of the children, youth and families in our programs were hit the hardest by the pandemic? Please consider making a gift today.

A Gift from Santa
Just two days before Christmas, 5-year-old Sharon was removed from her home due to extreme neglect and placed in The Cottage, our temporary shelter care program. As she looked around The Cottage, decorated with festive holiday lights and pictures, Sharon wondered out loud if Santa would finally bring her a gift this year. On Christmas Eve, volunteers delivered wrapped gifts to The Cottage for all the children. The next day, Sharon unwrapped her first ever gift from Santa—a backpack filled with toys and clothes.

Keeping the Holiday Spirit Alive
Lila is a resident in one of Wayfinder’s group homes. She has multiple disabilities and needs 24-hour care. She is blind and speaks only a few words but has a contagious laugh. Last year, staff helped residents like Lila create cards and crafts, sing carols and decorate her room to make her feel festive, despite the stay-at-home orders. Many of Wayfinder’s staff gave up spending the holidays with their families to make sure Lila and all group home residents would be cared for.

Here’s Some Ways You Can Give This Holiday Season

Your Generosity Changes the Future!
Wayfinder’s generous donors make a tremendous impact. They give us the resources to change the future of those who have nowhere else to turn. Please consider a gift to Wayfinder this holiday season. Because of your gift …

Babies like Jai’el who were born with vision loss and multiple disabilities will thrive through our early intervention services.

Abused and neglected children like Sharon will find hope, resilience and a safe haven in The Cottage.

Children like Marshawn will find a new home with a loving family through our Foster Care and Adoption program.

How can you make an impact?

Please make a gift today online at www.wayfinderfamily.org/give

Make a gift of stock (see below) or a qualified charitable distribution from your traditional IRA (consult your tax advisor and your IRA custodian).

Increase the impact of your gift with your company’s matching gift program. You can now search for your company’s match program on our website at www.wayfinderfamily.org/match

Leave a lasting legacy by remembering Wayfinder Family Services in your estate plans. For more information contact Randy Sprabary at (323) 290-6290 or rsprabary@wayfinderfamily.org



Stock Gifts Are a Win-Win-Win

You and Wayfinder both win when you donate appreciated stock. The donor may get a tax deduction (consult your tax accountant first) for the full value of the stock, as long as the donor has owned it for more than 12 months. The donor does not have to pay long-term capital gains on the amount the stock has increased in value. And Wayfinder receives valuable support for its important work with children, adults and families. Donate in three simple steps:

Step 1 – Initiate the Stock Transfer
Securities can be gifted to Wayfinder Family Services via electronic transfer (in which your broker transfers shares using the Wayfinder DTC number). It is necessary for you to contact your broker to initiate the transfer.

Step 2 – Notify Us
(323) 290-6290 or email rsprabary@wayfinderfamily.org

Step 3 – Send the Securities
to Wayfinder Family Services

Ask your broker to donate through:
Goldman, Sachs & Co. LLC
DTC Number: 0005
FBO: Wayfinder Family Servic

November 30, 2021