Annual Report 2020 – Q&A with CEO Miki Jordan

Changing the future, together

 Miki Jordan CEO of Wayfinder Family Services

2020 is a year of unprecedented challenges. How is Wayfinder meeting these challenges while continuing to live its values?
When the going gets tough, you dig into your values to guide you. Wayfinder tapped into each of its core values to make sure clients received services without interruption during the pandemic. In particular, our values “Collaborative,” “Whatever it takes” and “Innovative” describe our quick pivot to virtual delivery methods for many services, like early intervention, mental health therapy and educational programs. In our 24/7 residential programs, staff did their utmost to ensure safety and compassionate care for our vulnerable clients. I’m so proud of how everyone at Wayfinder is living our values during the coronavirus crisis.

How do Wayfinder’s values guide your work each day?
One of my longtime passions is equity for all of our clients, which is reflected in our “Inclusive” value. The majority of people Wayfinder serves—in child welfare and in our disability services—are low income individuals of color. They do not have equitable access to health, education, housing or economic opportunities. Advancing equity is a
key pillar of our strategic plan, and we are working to embed inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility at every level of our organization. In 2019, we formed Wayfinder’s first Inclusion Council of employees who champion equity and foster open discussions within the organization. Also in 2019, we began offering implicit bias and anti-racism education to our staff so that we can disrupt bias. We are taking these and other steps toward building a more equitable world.

Read Board Chair Elworth (Brent) Williams, Jr. Q&A

December 15, 2020