Parker Begins a New Chapter

Parker is smart, athletic and mature beyond his years. He’s a young man with a plan and a bright future ahead of him, thanks to the care and support he received in our youth residential treatment program.

Parker entered foster care as a teen. The trauma he experienced leading up to him leaving his home was further magnified by his struggle to keep his diabetes under control.

When Parker entered our program, he was understandably angry. He disliked everyone and everything. He had given up hope.

Thankfully, Parker was at the right place because we never give up hope.

Recognizing Parker’s interest in sports, our counselors and therapists talked to him during games of basketball, pool and volleyball, which he was passionate about. Parker lit up when he played and talked about volleyball!

Before long, Parker’s tough exterior softened and he was a changed young man.

“When I first arrived, I didn’t trust people very much,” Parker recalls. “But, then, I realized that the staff were looking out for me. They’re there to help me be who I want to be.

Through our nursing services, Parker learned to proactively manage his diabetes and prioritize his health above anything else.

Parker became a role model for the other youth in the program and enjoyed helping new residents settle in.

“I’m not used to having people count on me,” Parker says. “It feels good knowing I am making a difference.”

Parker finished high school earlier this year. We were so proud that we purchased a class ring for him as a reminder of how much he can achieve.

He has a part-time job close to campus that he gets to by skateboard. He plans to go to college to study kinesiology and hopes to coach volleyball professionally. Parker is excited about his future. So are we!

Read More About Parker’s Story 

December 28, 2017