Wayfinder Blog

Author: Joey Nizuk

Wayfinder Offers You Free Access to Giving Docs, to Easily Create a Will or Estate Plan

To make creating your estate plan easier, Wayfinder Family Services is proud to offer you free access to Giving Docs, a tool used by many across the country to create their estate plans. By having a will or other estate plan, you ensure that the people and causes you care about most are supported in…

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Lucas Belongs at Camp Bloomfield

Climbing a high ropes course in the dark … maneuvering up a slanted rock wall … riding a skateboard … navigating a tight corner on his bicycle. Nothing stops 11-year- old Lucas, not even the lack of vision in his left eye. “Lucas is a fearless adventurer,” says Annelie, manager of Wayfinder’s Camp Bloomfield. But…

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4 Things Parents of Blind or Visually Impaired Children and Teens Should Look for in a Summer Camp

 Here are 4 things parents of blind or visually impaired children and teens should look for in a summer camp: 1. Adaptive camping activities: Look for traditional camping activities such as archery, horseback riding, hiking, swimming, rock-climbing wall, ropes challenge course, arts and crafts and more. At Wayfinder’s Camp Bloomfield, these activities are adapted…

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Courage & Connection: She Deserves All The Good Coming Her Way

As 19-year-old Kelsey walks across her college campus, she greets friends and classmates. People know her as a dedicated student and a kind person. What they don’t know is that sheer determination got her here … or how much she endured in the child welfare system. Kelsey’s strong inner motivation and the valuable mental health…

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Courage & Connection: There Should Be More Wayfinders

“The longer we are with Wayfinder, the more independence and freedom that Axton has,” says Arlisha, mother of Axton, a 4-year-old who receives Wayfinder’s Child Development Services. The program assists young children with visual or multiple disabilities in achieving developmental milestones. Axton is a happy, funny, affectionate boy. He was born with an exceedingly rare…

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